According to data released by the European Commission, between July 1, 2018 and March 3, 2019, the EU issued 19,094,279 tons of cereal export licences for the year 2018/19 (which began on July 1), a 14% decrease from 22,145,464 tons in the same period last year and a 14% decrease last week.
Among of them, the export license of wheat (excluding Durum wheat) was 11,683,784 tons, 16% less than the same period last year; 334,031 tons of wheat flour, 38% less than the same period last year; 469,409 tons of Durum wheat, 22% less than the same period last year; 3,043,050 tons of barley, 24% less than the same period last year; 1,386,306 tons of corn, 59% more than the same period last year; 152,191 tons of rye, 131% more than the same period last year; 74,469 tons of oat, 131% more than the same period last year. In the same period, it decreased by 32%.