Green cabbage is in season in Belgium again, and large numbers of these are being auctioned.
A slightly more abundant supply of tomatoes made for falling auction prices for this product this week. The less good weather meant a little less demand. There is a comprehensive local production of courgettes with sharply rising prices. The courgette season will end in a few weeks.
Red bell peppers are selling at consumer-friendly prices. Somewhat less red and yellow, and more green bell peppers are expected by the beginning of next week, at the latest. Belgian cauliflower prices are reasonably stable with sufficient supplies. The smaller quantity of broccoli is ensuring that prices are climbing a little.
The is a normal supply of cucumbers for this time of year. Here too, the season will come to an end in a few weeks. This is with the exception of the lit cultivation. Prices fluctuate daily. There is enough chicory, selling at friendly prices. The cooler weather will have a positive effect on consumption.
Aubergines are available in comprehensive volumes and at stable prices. The various Belgian lettuce varieties' are becoming cheaper again.