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Blockchain boosts seafood traceability for Cermaq & Labeyrie

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2019-11-26  Origin: fdiforum  Views: 2
Core Tip: Cermaq, a Danish-based subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation specialising in trout and salmon farming, is cooperating with French smoked salmon brand, Labeyrie, on a blockchain project to increase seafood traceability.
Cermaq, a Danish-based subsidiary of Mitsubishi Corporation specialising in trout and salmon farming, is cooperating with French smoked salmon brand, Labeyrie, on a blockchain project to increase seafood traceability.

All Cermaq salmon is accompanied by a CV containing comprehensive information about the fish: its origin, when it was hatched, which fresh water facility it came from, how big it was when it was transferred to seawater, at which sea water facility it has been farmed, as well as health and welfare information such as which vaccinations it has received, what it has been fed, and when it was harvested.

In cooperation with one of Cermaq’s customers, Labeyrie, and IBM Food Trust on IBM cloud blockchain technology, this information is now made available for consumers in the French market.

“This is a new and exciting project, which puts a larger emphasis on transparency and traceability in all parts of our value chain,” says Brede Løfsgaard, Sales Director in Cermaq Norway.

Labeyrie, leading brand of smoked salmon in France, has now launched its new traceability system for two of its Norwegian smoked salmon products, giving the consumers the opportunity to access all important information regarding the whole production chain of the salmon they are purchasing by using blockchain technology.

By scanning the QR code which will be available on the product packaging with a mobile device such as a phone or tablet, consumers can open the dedicated application that displays information about the salmon, from egg to store.

“This project contributes to reassuring French consumers that the salmon they are purchasing has been farmed in a responsible and sustainable way, is healthy and nutritious, and comes from the beautiful, cold and crisp waters north of the Arctic Circle,” adds Løfsgaard.

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