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Duplicate Australia and Indonesia Free Trade Agreement in force

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2020-02-18  Origin: freshplaza
Core Tip: The free trade agreement between Indonesia and Australia, the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) is effective as of 6 February.
The free trade agreement between Indonesia and Australia, the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) is effective as of 6 February.

Indonesia is the fifth largest export market for Australian horticultural products, the second largest market for Australian grapes. The agreement regulates preferential access for more than 99% of Australian horticultural goods imported by Indonesia. Special arrangements have been made for the delivery of potatoes and carrots, among other things.

In addition, Indonesia is abolishing the rates for citrus under the tariff quotas:

Mandarins: The 25% rate is immediately reduced to 10% for 7,500 tons per year with a final 0% rate after 20 years.
Oranges: Guaranteed tariff-free access for 10,000 tonnes, increasing by 5% per year.
Lemons / limes: Guaranteed rate-free access for 5,000 tonnes, increasing by 2.5% per year.

Indonesia will reduce or eliminate the rates for other fruit and nuts:

Pineapple, avocados, strawberries: Abolition of rates in 2026.
Mangoes: 20% rate reduced to 12.5% in 2025.
Dragonfruit: 5% rate reduced to 2% in 2026.
Abolition of all other rates for bananas, persimmons and other tropical fruit.

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