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Railway logistics hold great promise for import-export-trade routes in Afghanistan

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2022-12-14  Origin: khaama.com
Core Tip: According to the Afghanistan Railway Authority (ARA), the country’s railway transport reached a total of 109,808 tons of import and export items over the past week.
According to the Afghanistan Railway Authority (ARA), the country’s railway transport reached a total of 109,808 tons of import and export items over the past week. These commercial goods have been transported by the railway via Hairatan, Aqina and Torghundi trail trucks. 10,830 tons were the import, and,1,498 tons of export goods, respectively.

As a landlocked country, Afghanistan has had critical challenges in transporting commercial goods to and from the regional and international markets. With the establishment of new railways linking to the Central Asian countries, the problems have been mitigated to some extent. Besides, the commercial items can reach destinations in a timely manner, it is quite cost-effective.

According to the country’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Afghanistan’s imports include oil, gas, wheat, flour and construction materials, and exports that are heading toward Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and China include dry fruit, rice, potatoes and minerals.

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