Smith made his pronouncements at thethe sixth World Fisheries Congressin the Scottish capital, Edinburgh, last week.
“The health benefits of omega-3 are proven to counteract a number of ailments which plight Scottish society, such as heart disease and other disorders such as ADHD,” Smith said.
“I like to think of myself as a health conscious person and hope that when I get the test results back in a couple weeks they’ll show I have an adequate amount of OMEGA 3. However, I’ll definitely be paying closer attention to what nutrients make up my diet.”
Smith encouraged greater fish consumption to raise omega-3 levels, highlighting one option among other like functional foods and food supplements.
“Our nation’s health is continuing to improve but, in certain areas, we do still fall short of where a progressive European nation should be.”
“We must do all we can to continue to improve and, if that involves eating more fish, then I’m sure we can all bite that bullet. I’m sure our fishing industry would be just as happy as our GPs.”