Silicon found in the mineral water is a natural element. It should be noted that silica or silicon dioxide used in processed food and dietary supplements are artificial.
Therefore, readers should not consider the man-made silica as beneficial as the naturally occurring silicon. In fact, recent research has discovered that artificial nanoparticles like silicon dioxide and titanium dioxide which are commonly used in processed food and cosmetic products, can disrupt DNA and cause mutation and potentially cancer. Studies show that nanoparticles kill 100% of insects and cause all sorts of abnormality in laboratory animals.
Drinking silicon rich mineral water may not necessarily be the best thing Alzheimer's disease patients can do to help themselves. Previous studies have suggested patients can do many other things to help Alzheimer's disease. What are beneficial include eating betaine, ketogenic diet, shilajit, dietary supplements, functional foods including anthocyanin-enriched billberry and blackcurrant extracts, organoselenium dietary supplementation, and green tea extract, all of which are antioxidants that can help neutralize the reactive oxygen species induced by toxic metals like aluminum. What may also be beneficial include turmeric, Mediterranean diet, red grape juice, grape seed exact, ginkgo biloba extract, cinnamon extract, vitamin C, vitamin D sufficiency, apple juice, calorie restriction, omega-3 fatty acids, garlic, and dietary polyphenols.
How to prevent Alzheimer's disease?
Although eating certain foods or taking dietary supplements may help improve the condition of Alzheimer's disease, the best a person can do is do something that helps prevent the disease in the first place. T o prevent the disease, the ingestion of aluminum salts used in processed foods should be
Aluminum salts are commonly used in processed foods even certain salt products may contain aluminum salts. For instance, fine salts used on potato chips may use some aluminum salt as dispersing agents and aluminum salt is not labeled in this case.
Drinking water may contain excess aluminum because water is often treated with aluminum salts. Some water filters may be used to remove this toxic metal, which has no benefit for human physiology