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Eating fruit to combat cardiovascular problems in men

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2021-01-21  Origin: psychologytoday.com
Core Tip: A recent study of more than 25,000 men -published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition- pointed to the added benefits of consuming fruit in men of all ages.
A recent study of more than 25,000 men -published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition- pointed to the added benefits of consuming fruit in men of all ages.

One’s diet can make a difference on so many different levels. Still, the researchers did not want to focus on so-called "miracle foods", and advise to simply always aim for a diet with a variety of recommended foods, as each of these will contain different nutrients you need. One simple rule to follow: Eat food with bright natural colors.

The study also focused on men with Erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is often a sign of poor blood flow. ED, which increases with age, is a warning sign that you may be at risk of heart disease or a stroke. High-blood pressure, obesity and smoking increase your risk of both ED and cardiovascular disease. ED is considered its own risk factor for cardiovascular problems, even if you don't have the other issues.

To potentially mitigate the risk of ED, eat at least three servings a week of any of the following foods—strawberries, blueberries, red wine, apples, pears, and citrus products. So you could have strawberries one day, citrus the next, and blueberries on the third day. This could cut a man's risk of erectile dysfunction by 19 percent, according to the study. In this research, the dietary benefits were strongest in younger men who were also overweight.

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