The UK is set to provide £160m technology boost for agricultural industries as part of the newly launched Agricultural Technologies Strategy. The initiative aims to make UK a world leader in agricultural science and technology.
The strategy will seeks to deliver sustainable, healthy and affordable food for future generations. It will utilize breakthroughs in nutrition, informatics, satellite imaging, remote sensing, meteorology and precision farming. Developed in collaboration with the industry, the strategy will benefit everyone from farmers and retailers, to cooks and shoppers.
The industry is also expected to invest heavily in the strategy which will transform farming in the UK, using the latest technologies to ensure the process is as productive as possible while lowering environmental impact and resource use.
Universities and Science Minister David Willetts said that the UK has a world class science and research community and its institutes and universities are at the forefront of agricultural research.
"To get ahead in the global race, this strategy sets out how we can ensure that we turn our world-beating agricultural science and research into world-beating products and services," Willetts added.
The Agricultural Technologies Strategy outlines a range of key actions including a £90m government investment in world class Centres for Agricultural Innovation with additional investment from industry. The centers will support the wide-scale adoption of innovation and technology across key sectors, technologies and skills in the food and farming supply chain.
A £70m Agri-Tech Catalyst to help new agricultural technologies to bridge the gap between the lab and the marketplace. Co-funded with industry, the catalyst will specifically support small and medium sized enterprises.
Forming an industry Leadership Council to unify the agriculture technology sector and make the UK more internationally competitive. The strategy also includes the recruitment of a new UKTI agri-tech team to boost exports and overseas investment in the UK's agricultural technologies
The government has also announced an investment of £30m for four agri-science research and innovation campuses by Biotechnolocy and Biological Sciences Research Council; and a multi million pound scientific research partnership between Rothamsted and Syngenta to increase wheat productivity.
Defra Minister for Science Lord De Mauley said there is a global challenge to feed the rapidly increasing population in a way which is affordable and sustainable.
" We are investing in technologies that will enable British farmers to meet these challenges and take advantage of the growing demand in export markets for British food," De Mauley added.