Source of Information: The Centre for Food Safety (CFS)
Food Product: Glass bottled beer
Product name and Description
(1) Product name: Carlsberg beer (glass bottled)
Manufacturer: Carlsberg Hong Kong
Packing size: 500ml
Production date: September 29 or 30, 2013
(2) Product name: SKOL beer (glass bottled)
Manufacturer: Carlsberg Hong Kong
Packing size: 640ml
Production date: September 29 or 30, 2013
The codes '29 09 14' or '30 09 14' were printed on the bottles or the labels of these two kinds of affected bottled beer
Reason For Issuing Alert
The bottle mouths of glass beer bottles were found to be broken, and there may be glass fragments within the beer
Action Taken by the Centre for Food Safety
As soon as the CFS was aware of the case, it immediately notified the trade. The CFS will closely monitor the recall.
Advice to the Trade
Stop selling the concerned products.
Advice to Consumers
Stop consuming the concerned products.
Further Information
Consumers may call the manufacturer’s hotline at 3189 8282 for enquiries about recall arrangements. The hotline is operating from 9am to 8pm from Monday to Saturday.