According to data provided by Bonn's Agricultural Information Service Market (AMI), the world's fruits and vegetables production during 2013 amounted to 1.74 billion tons, 9.4% more than in 2012 when the production amounted to 1.59 billion tons.
In 2013, 950 million tons, of the total production, were vegetables and 790 million were fruits; while in 2012 860 million tons were vegetables 730 million were fruits.
According to AMI, the European Union's fruit harvest increased by almost 7% in 2013 (2013-2014), with a total of 37 million tons. The vegetable harvest is expected to increase nearly 2% over the previous year, to approximately 63 million tons.
"Spain's market share increased slightly, while the Italian market share decreased a little. The market share of the other European Union fresh vegetable suppliers remained stable. The Netherlands and Spain are the major supplying countries, followed by France and Belgium," said AMI.