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2014 Georgia Cereal Production Anticipated to Decline

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2014-07-30  Origin: thecropsite  Views: 0
Core Tip: Harvesting of the 2014 winter cereals, mainly the minor wheat crop, is currently ongoing while planting of the main maize crop, accounting in average for about 77 percent of the total cereal production, is to be gathered from August.
Harvesting of the 2014 winter cereals, mainly the minor wheat crop, is currently ongoing while planting of the main maize crop, accounting in average for about 77 percent of the total cereal production, is to be gathered from August.

The aggregated 2014 cereal output is expected to decrease by about 11 percent compared to the bumper crop of the previous year, following below average precipitations in mid-June and the first two dekads of July, which negatively affected crop development in parts.

However, the 2014 production is still slightly above the five-year average, reflecting state support measures, mainly to improve irrigation infrastructure.

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