The Commission's decision is against the calls from the European Parliament and Member States to develop a new strategy to tackle alcohol harm in Europe.
The health bodies including European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare), European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and the Standing Committee of European Doctors (CPME) have submitted an open letter to the Commission.
They wrote that the membership of EU Alcohol and Health Forum cannot be justified as no new strategy is planned.
The Forum was established to support the implementation of the previous EU Alcohol Strategy, which ended in 2012.
Eurocare Secretary General Mariann Skar said: "The Commissioner himself stated drinking behaviours in Europe are good for the Alcohol Industry but not good for Health. Eurocare represents 58 organisations in 25 countries and we deeply regret the Commission's decision not to establish a new EU Alcohol Strategy.
"This flies in the face of persistent demands from Member States, the European Parliament and NGOs. The EU is the heaviest drinking region in the world and with 120,000 premature deaths related to alcohol each year, we absolutely must have a comprehensive strategy to tackle alcohol harm."
Figures released show that close to 12 million people in the EU are dependent on alcohol.