Water helps the formation of new blood cells and muscle cells, and promotes weight loss and weight maintenance!
Drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach has numerous health benefits. Not only will the water to purify the stomach but will also reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases. Water, in fact, purifies the intestines and stomach increases the ability to absorb nutrients from the food you eat.
Good digestion is a prerequisite for health, and with it goes the radiant and clear skin because water promotes excretion of toxins from the body.
Water helps the formation of new blood cells and muscle cells, and promotes weight loss and weight maintenance.
It is recommended that after a glass of water does not go immediately to the fridge, but wait a bit with the first meal. This water therapy has no side effects, and stimulates metabolism acceleration.
The ideal amount is 4 cups of water in the morning every day, if for you is too much, start first with one glass of water on an empty stomach.