The Polish bell pepper market is stable and very similar to last year in terms of production. The season hasn't been without its challenges, the changing weather has been making it difficult for growers and has had an effect on the quality levels.
Anna Gabler, CEO of Agro Queens, said that, 'despite the weather conditions, the quality is good, but of course it could also be better'.
Most of the Polish company's peppers are sent to Scandinavia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belarus and Romania. However, many are also allocated to the domestic market.
The demand for organic produce is growing in Poland, but unfortunately, Anna said, producers have been slow to join the trend.
"We would like to start exporting organic bell peppers, but there doesn't seem to be any interest from the producers' side. Demand for organic fresh fruit and vegetables is growing every year, so I hope that growers will get on board. I'm afraid that if we wait too long there won't be room in the market because the Netherlands could beat us to it." said Anna.
Anna also said that growers attempts to introduce new varieties hadn't been very fruitful.
"In general, retailers just want to stick with what they know in terms of varieties. They have shown interest in new forms of packaging, but once the price is discussed they ultimately don't go forward."
When asked if there were any new markets they would like to enter, they said it was more about going back to old ones.
"We would like to be back on the Russian market, that was always our strategic partner. However, just like life, business is about adapting to change and we will we continue to move forward." concluded Anna.