New Zealand has performed a feat worth commendation by eradicating an invasive species of butterfly in the country. The culprit, known as the great white butterfly is found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Shortly after the first sighting of the species in 2010 in the country an plan to eliminate the pest was launched by the government.
This plan was put in place to save the crops which the butterfly threatens. Before becoming a beautiful butterfly it starts as a caterpillar that is known for it's voracious appetite. To satisfy its' hunger it feeds on brassica crops including cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.
Between 2010 and 2014 the department of conservation of New Zealand carried out hundreds of thousands of searches on 29,000 properties in Nelson on the South Island, where it is thought to have arrived by ship at port. They also encouraged children to help by offering a $7 bounty on each dead great white butterfly brought in during the school holidays of 2013.