India is one of the world's greatest lime producers. "It is even more popular than lemons in our culture," states Karthikeyan. Last year, according to this Indian company, they had an availability of 25 tonnes a day; however, this year the volume has been doubled due to the good weather conditions and the expansion of the acreage.
"We are currently selling our sour limes in the domestic market," affirms Karthikeyan. "However, our next goal is to go one step further and ship to other destinations in the Middle East, which are suitable because of their closeness, and to the US, whose market seems very interesting and where we would be able to compete."
At present, a kilo of sour limes grown in India is traded in the domestic markets for between 40 and 50 rupees and they can be made available for 850 or 860 dollars CIF per tonne.