During the period from January to July of this year, Peru exported 15,164,914 kilograms of canned asparagus for a FOB value of US $ 51,378,732. This record marks a decrease from the 20,570,349 kilos shipped in that same period in 2016 for a value of US $ 70,352,442.
According to the Agrodata Peru portal, the main market reached by this Peruvian product was France, where purchases were made for US $15,318,780. They were followed by Spain (US $ 14,496,402), the United States (US $ 9,244,044), Germany (US$2,938,191), Australia, (US$1,712,871), Italy and several others with smaller amounts that together added up to US $ 4,013,866.
According to that same source Green Peru SA was among the country's main importing companies, and responsible for 28% of exports. Following them were Danper Trujillo SAC (22%), Virú SA (20%), Sociedad Agrícola Virú SA (12%), Tal SA (5%), Agualima SAC (3%), Agribusiness AIB SA Agroexportadora del Perú SAC (2%), Conservas Vegetales Cerro Verde SAC (2%) and several others with less than 4%.