Fuel prices somewhat surprisingly fell this week as the war in Ukraine approaches its second month with no clear end in sight. Truck availability for domestic growing areas and Mexico crossings also continued to improve, with almost all regions reporting adequate equipment and drivers. Due to a variety of reasons related both to local conditions in growing regions as well as equipment and packaging availability and costs, offshore imports of fresh produce continue to arrive several days to as much as a week behind schedule.
Movement of Mexican asparagus crossings though Calexico, California and San Luis Arizona, expected about the same. Trading was slow at lower prices again this week. Demand remains light to very light, with larger sizes moving better than standard. Movement volumes are more than adequate to fulfill lackluster sales demand, with some shippers advising growers to limit harvest of standard size until Easter pull picks up.
The first report for Peru imports of asparagus through South Florida ports of entry has been issued. Movement expected to increase slightly as more shippers resume importing, but to remain very light. Trading moderate on very light supplies, and no F.O.B. report is currently being issued. Shipments never fully halted since the last reports were issued but have been arriving on 1-2 vessels and 2-4 shipments by air per week for special or non-bulk packages. About 20 containers are expected for both the current week and for next week. Quality is reported as variable but generally good.