Mr. Gao Xiaodong of Hainan North Latitude 18 Orchard Co., Ltd. stated that this promotional activity influenced the Dongfang dragon fruit industry. He further stated that the Protected Geographical Indication resulted from the unique climate and geographical conditions in Dongfang, which has led to high consumer appreciation for Dongfang dragon fruit.
The aim of promotional sales of Dongfang dragon fruit in Beijing was to familiarize the north China market with the geographical conditions of Dongfang and the flavor of Dongfang dragon fruit. At the same time, the promotional sales also served to expand the market share of the Dongfang dragon fruit industry.
The annual production volume of Northern Latitude 18 Orchard reached 15 thousand tons this year. Their dragon fruit is popular with consumers because Northern Latitude 18 Orchard strictly regulates food safety and product quality. They are in a position where demand always exceeds supply. Northern Latitude 18 Orchard mainly sells through traditional marketing channels in north China and northeast China. Northern Latitude 18 Orchard plans to enter in official cooperation with e-commerce platforms this year.
Mr. Gao Xiaodong stated during the promotional sales that Northern Latitude 18 Orchard simultaneously carries out dragon fruit industry developments and also calls on dragon fruit growers to value and protect the natural environment. This will help the Dongfang dragon fruit industry develop in a sustainable fashion.