"The reduced apple supply volume directly influenced the apple price, which increased to various degrees for various apple varieties. Take the Qinguan for example, the current price of 2.60 yuan [0.37 USD] per 0.5 kg increased by as much as 100% in comparison with the price of 1.20-1.40 yuan [0.17-0.20 USD] per 0.5 kg in the same period last year."
"There is a shortage of apples on the domestic market. There is clearly no way for the current supply volume to satisfy consumer demand. That is why the price continues to increase. The apples that enter the market are immediately snatched up. It is because of these circumstances that we do not see the need to export apples this year. Another reason for the temporary halt of apple export is of course the high export price. Many overseas importers are shifting their attention to Africa and Europe because the cost price of apples from China is too high."
"There is a shortage of apples on the domestic market. There is clearly no way for the current supply volume to satisfy consumer demand. That is why the price continues to increase. The apples that enter the market are immediately snatched up. It is because of these circumstances that we do not see the need to export apples this year. Another reason for the temporary halt of apple export is of course the high export price. Many overseas importers are shifting their attention to Africa and Europe because the cost price of apples from China is too high."