Doctors claim there is no anti-cancer diet, but some products, like the sauerkraut, can however reduce the risk of breast cancer. The sauerkraut, chopped cabbage fermented with lactic bacteria, is very popular in Poland. According to American doctors, women who eat sauerkraut at least three times a week reduce their risk of developing breast cancer much more significantly than those who consume very little sauerkraut. These claims are confirmed by Polish scientists.
Also, it seems to be even more beneficial if consumed during adolescence. “A multitude of factors contribute to the appearance of tumors, but it is impossible to deny the role played by nutrition in preventing cancer. The Polish eat a lot of fermented vegetables, including cucumbers and cabbage,” indicated the Polish nutritionist Hanna Stolińska-Fiedorowicz to the Sputnik site. The sauerkraut contains vitamin C which slows down the oxidation process and blocks cell mutations.
“Besides, consuming sauerkraut helps the digestion, strengthens the pancreas and has a very positive impact on the nervous and immune systems,” added the specialist. Sauerkraut, broccolis, Brussels sprouts and kale contain very high concentrations of glucosinolates, substances whose anti-cancer properties have been established experimentally.