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FSSAI to look into instances of sale & supply of adulterated foodstuff

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2020-03-04  Origin: fnbnews
Core Tip: Instances of sale and supply of sub-standard and adulterated foodstuff, including edible oil, have come to the notice of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
Instances of sale and supply of sub-standard and adulterated foodstuff, including edible oil, have come to the notice of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).

To prevent food adulteration regular surveillance, monitoring, inspection and random sampling of food products, including edible oil, are being carried out by food safety officers of states and UTs (Union Territories), and action has been initiated against as per the provisions of the Food Safety and Standards, Act, 2006 against the defaulting food business operators (FBOs).

In order to ensure the availability of good-quality foodstuff to the consumers and for keeping a check on problem of food adulteration, the state food safety authorities have been advised from time to time to keep a strict vigil by regularly drawing food samples from all sources, viz, manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers and to take strict action against the offenders under the provisions of the FSS Act, 2006.

To check sale of adulterated edible oil, FSSAI has notified regulations, which provide for sale of edible oils in the packaged form only, except for the sale of loose oil in specific circumstances as permitted by the State Government. 

It has strengthened the food testing ecosystem by notifying 263 primary food testing labs across the country, and state food testing labs under a Central Sector Scheme, viz, Strengthening of Food Testing System in the Country, including provision of Mobile Food Testing Labs (SoFTeL).

The country’s apex food regluator has released a booklet called Detect Adulteration with Rapid Test (DART), which covers over 50 common quick tests for detection of food adulterants at household by the citizens themselves, so as to induce awareness among the consumers about food safety. DART book is available on FSSAI’s website.

It has also introduced a policy for the adoption of Rapid Analytical Food Testing (RAFT) kit/equipment/methods for regulatory purposes.

Enforcement of the provisions of the FSS Act, 2006, Rules and Regulations made thereunder primarily rests with the states and UTs. As per the reports received from the states and UTs, the details of action taken against offenders during the last three years are given below:

Statement of number of prosecutions launched and action taken during the last three years 


Number of civil /

criminal caseslaunched


Number of cases in 
penalties imposed

Amount raised
















This was stated by Ashwini Kumar Choubey, minister of state for health and family welfare, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday.
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