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Myanmar and China will experiment with freight operations in the Golden Triangle

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2021-11-29  Origin: Sino-Myanmar News Online
Core Tip: The Myanmar customs agency announced that China and Myanmar will experiment with freight transport via the border port at Muse, starting on the 26th of November.
The Myanmar customs agency announced that China and Myanmar will experiment with freight transport via the border port at Muse, starting on the 26th of November. The border was open for a test run between November 22-25, when empty trucks were allowed to pass through checkpoints. The two countries then decided to proceed with loaded freight trucks.

Several border ports were closed during the pandemic, Muse included. One port after the other was closed between the 7th of April and the 8th of July. Throughout that period Myanmar was only able to import medicine and medical equipment.

A spokesperson for the trade management bureau explained that the two countries will experiment with freight transport on the 26th of November to test whether the Covid-19 prevention measures are up to standard. However, it is still unclear how many trucks will be allowed to pass through. All the truck drivers and loading dock workers have been tested. The export products are disinfected within 48 hours prior to departure. Only then are they allowed to cross the border. The customs agencies on both sides are working closely together to adjust the schedule on the basis of real-time developments.

Relevant departments in China and Myanmar are eager for the border port at Muse to re-open. At the moment, Myanmar has opened the borders with Thailand and Bangladesh, but the border with India is still closed.

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