Fruits, vegetables (skin and membranes of cleaned fruits and vegetables are excellent), dried beans,wheat bran, seeds, popcorn, brown rice and whole grain products such as breads, cereals and pasta. Choose fresh fruit or vegetables rather than juice. To avoid abdominal discomfort it is important to only add it gradually over a period of a few weeks. An increase in fibers should be accompanied by an increase in water.
- Eat a variety of foods - the less processed the better. Bran, for example Raisin Bran, is a superb source.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables. Eat them unpeeled, such as baked potatoes or apples with their skin.
- Drink plenty of liquids. Otherwise you can slow down or even block proper intestinal digestion.
- Spread out your intake. Getting it all at one sitting may cut the benefits and increase unpleasant side effects.
If you need a positive outlet for your food-focused thoughts, try looking up healthy recipes online or drafting your grocery list for the week.