At the Healthy Aging Conference that took place in Frankfurt, Lonza presented its ingredients to some 160 delegates from the food, medical nutrition and dietary supplement industries from all over the world.
In the session on Brain, Memory and Cognition Food, Lonza presented its Memree phosphatidylserine ingredient to support brain health at older age. “Phosphatidylserine is a naturally occurring phospholipid and can be found in high amounts in brain cell membranes. Its content is reported to decline with increasing age”, said Ulla Freitas, scientific marketing manager at Lonza.
According to Lonza, phosphatidylserine is the only cognitive health ingredient for which the US FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) permits use of a Qualified Health Claim. Lonza has recently tapped into this opportunity with the launch line of products that contain a soy-based phosphatidylserine, branded as Memree.
The brand name Memree includes MemreePS and MemreePlus, which are both positioned for cognitive health applications. Lonza says that MemreePlus has additionally been shown to reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that is associated with stress as well as impeded recovery after exercise.
Memree products are available in liquid and powder forms.