After a drawn out and much publicised legal battle, German chocolate Ritter Sport have emerged victorious in their case taken against consumer organization Stiftung Warentest.
Stiftung Warentest lablled Ritter Sport's full-nut chocolate bar as "poor" in its November edition of the "test" magazine, because, contrary to package information, it contained the chemically produced which Stiftung said couldn't be produced naturally.
Ritter Sport was outraged over the review and pointed toward a guarantee given by its flavoring manufacturer Symrise, that only natural ingredients are used.
"We have delivered a precursor, which completely corresponds to the declaration. These are only natural flavors, and we can prove that too," said a Symrise spokesperson said at the time.
The Symrise company which employs over 5,000 people, can today breath a sigh of relief as the judges at the Munich Regional Court ruled Stiftung Warentest may no longer claim that the company used chemically produced flavors in the full nut bar. For countless industries, it is good news, as flavors and aromas of Symrise are put in more than 30 000 products.