Ingredion, Inc., presented the company’s clean-label ingredient solution, NOVATION Endura™ 0100, designed to provide similar texturizing functionality in stirred yogurts as chemically modified starches, in a recently published whitepaper.
The market for clean-label foods continues to outpace conventional food growing at double-digit rates, which has translated into an increase in more clean-label product launches. Typically, formulating yogurts with clean-label starches has been challenging because of harsh processing conditions encountered in manufacturing.
The paper, "Utilizing NOVATION Endura 0100 Starch in Stirred Yogurts Processed with Challenging Temperature and Homogenization Pressures," addresses these concerns by presenting NOVATION Endura's proprietary technology that allows manufacturers to retain the viscosifying properties of the starch in yogurts processed using high-temperature/high-pressure parameters.
“We benchmarked the texture impact and stability of NOVATION Endura 0100 in stirred yogurt against chemically modified starches using an expert descriptive sensory panel and found that the texture of the yogurts made with NOVATION Endura 0100 starch, under demanding processing parameters, does not differ from industry standard chemically modified starches," said Leaslie Carr, wholesome marketing manager, Ingredion.
In 2013, Ingredion was granted a U.S. patent for its clean-label starch technology. The patent was the second to be granted in a series of filings.