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JBT FoodTech launches modified version of Double D Revorack Multi-Purpose Cooker

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2014-04-09  Views: 43
Core Tip: JBT FoodTech, an American food processing machinery provider owned by JBT, has launched the modified version of its Double D Revorack Multi-Purpose Cooker.
JBT FoodTech, an American food processing machinery provider owned by JBT, has launched the modified version of its Double D Revorack Multi-Purpose Cooker.

The modified cooker is claimed to allow food manufacturers increase capacity by up to 67% with a 20% lower footprint. It is available on all rack sizes from 3-rack up to 10-rack.

Unlike the standard model, the low footprint features burner and heat exchanger horizontally across the top of the chamber.

The Revorack Multi-Purpose Cooker is used to steam cook, roast or bake as well as further process meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and ready meals.

Additionally, it can cook by steam or by dry heat up to 280ºC.

JBT FoodTech's Double D international sales and marketing manager Ian Wallace said, "The repositioning of the heat exchanger increases the cooker's height, but further reduces its width, saving even more on expensive floor space. However, there's no change to the standard of technology or engineering."

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