With many of their shipments behind schedule, California-based importers of Chinese garlic are reporting a tight market through mid-January.
“It’s been pretty light for a good solid month or so,” says a source with Wing Produce, based out of Los Angeles. The source says that the primary reason for the low supply levels has been a rash of unexplained delays on shipments, with many shipments delayed by several weeks. He adds that the issue has become more severe since the beginning of January. “This past week its been really tight. Nobody’s got their product in at all.”
The source is quick to note that supply delays typically coincide with the holiday season, and says that supplies since mid-December have only been “a little” lighter than last year. Asked if he expects the problems to continue, the source expressed optimism. “We’re hoping it’s going to open up really soon. Maybe another week or so before product’s start flowing in.”