In 2015, Peruvian mango exports not only increased in value and prices, but also arrived to new destinations.
Peruvian mango exports grew by 34% in value in 2015, amounting to $187 million dollars and an average price of $1.49 per kilo. The volume achieved amounted to 125,800 tons. These results are good when compared to the previous year, in which the export value amounted to approximately $139 million, the average price was $1.15 dollars per kilo, and the export volume totaled 120,800 tons, according to Veritrade.
Mango exports reached a total of 28 destinations. However, the two main markets, i.e. the Netherlands and the United States, have accounted for nearly 70% of the total export volume value and 55% of its volume since 2011.
The Netherlands excelled in exports with $75.7 million dollars, i.e. 40% of total exports and a 47% increase over the previous year; followed by the US with $52.9 million dollars (28% of the total value and a 22% increase over the previous year), the UK with $19 million (10% of the total and an increase of 51%), and Spain with $9.8 million (5% of the total and a 41% increase).
Some destinations grew at significant rates, such as Belgium (58%), New Zealand (58%), the UAE (515%), and Argentina (134%). Additionally, the mango was sent to new markets, such as North Korea and, in some of these, exporters achieved good prices per kilogram.
The number of companies exporting mangoes also increased, as it went from 152 in 2014 to 178 in 2015, however only three of them continued to lead exports. These companies are: Dominus SAC, Sunshine Export SAC and Camposol SA. However, their share in the overall total value and volume exported decreased.
The Dominus SAC Company made shipments for $12.8 million achieving a 6.8% share of the total value and an 8% share of the total volume with 10,000 tons. The Sunshine Export SAC Company followed with a total of $12.4 million, i.e. 6.6% of the total value, and an export volume of 8,500 tons (7% of the total volume). Meanwhile, the Camposol SA Company had shipments totaling $11 million dollars, i.e. a 6% share of the total value and a 7% share of the total volume with 9,000 tons.
Tropical Fruit Casma SAC, Asica Farms SAC, and Agricultural Ecosac SAC are among the new companies that successfully debuted with exports exceeding $1 million dollars and more than 1,000 tons in volume.
Good results in a year that has been marked by the presence of El Niño.