The NatureBox Country Ranch Sunflower Kernels were sold in a 5 ounce (142 gram) customer stand up pouch. The UPC number of the recalled product is 8 52523 00535 8. The lot number is 8H5M25 and best before dates are 05/18/16, 06/10/16, 08/25/16, 5/9/16, and 7/15/16.
The NatureBox Cheddar and Onion Sunflower kernels are also sold in a 5 ounce (142 gram) customer stand up pouch. The UPC number is 8 54557 00531 1 and the lot code is 8H5M26. The best before dates are 03/29/16, 04/27/16, 05/09/16, 05/18/16, 06/10/16, 07/11/16, 07/19/16, 08/15/16, 08/26/16, and 09/17/16. Finally, SunOpta Country Ranch Sunflower Kernels in 45 pound cases is recalled. There is no information about UPC numbers, lot codes, or best by dates on that product.
If you purchased these products, do not eat them. Throw them away in a sealed container or return them to the place of purchase for a refund. Then clean out your pantry, cupboards, or drawers with a mild bleach solution to kill bacteria.
If you ate any of these products, watch yourself for the symptoms of Listeria monocytogenes food poisoning for the next 70 days. Those symptoms include high fever, stiff neck, flu-like symptoms, aches and pains, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. If you do get sick, see your doctor and tell him you ate these recalled products.