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Greek export to Asia Fruit Logistica for first time

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2016-09-06  Views: 8
Core Tip: This year, the Greek company Mitrosilis, devoted to the packaging and exporting of fresh fruit, will be taking part for the first time in Asia Fruit Logistica following its first kiwi shipments to this continent.
This year, the Greek company Mitrosilis, devoted to the packaging and exporting of fresh fruit, will be taking part for the first time in Asia Fruit Logistica following its first kiwi shipments to this continent, and according to Director of Exports Christos Mitrosilis, “this will be a challenge to continue our good and reliable work and to expand more of our business. Our aim is to keep a dynamic presence in the fruit business in Asia and we strongly believe that by participating in Asia Fruit Logistica, we will be able to build strong and reliable cooperation.”

The spectacular growth of many economies in Asia over the past 30 years has been amazing, with China & India in the leading position. “Nowadays, this market has become more open, as the consumption of fresh fruit is getting bigger and bigger. EU-ASIA trade has increased dramatically in recent years and China and India are two of the world's largest economies and important trading partners for the EU. Greece has the possibility and opportunity to promote fresh fruits in Asia. The step has already been made and we will continue in this direction. Mitrosilis, due to its consistency when it comes to high quality, has gained a prominent place in the markets,” states Mitrosilis.

When it comes to kiwi cultivation in particular, he explains that Greece is currently the world’s third most important country when it comes to the fruit’s production, and for its part, “Mitrosilis already has a group of kiwi growers and is always trying to expand it. Our development in new markets is [thus] our first target, and depending on the needs of each season, we will be taking the appropriate steps [to ensure] growth.”

Those fruit producers working with Mitrosilis SA are, in fact, considered a big asset for the upward progress of the company. They are committed and enforce all the necessary standards for the cultivation of safe products. What matters most is that “there is constant communication in all steps of the fruit’s cultivation, and Mitrosilis relies on the knowledge and experience and its excellent relationship with the growers, who help it in maintaining the very high quality of its products, which at all times meets the strictest standards of the international market,” he affirms. Something which he believes will certainly help the company stand out over its competitors.

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