Crypto-asset investment is one of the latest ways to make (or lose) a fortune. However, no matter how scary crypto-asset investment looks, there is plenty signs that points towards a future where crypto-assets will be adopted on a worldwide scale.
Yesterday, Bitcoin news reported that there has been an increase of 316 % in blockchain VC investment in 2018. Several countries have commented that they are going to issue their own centralized cryptocurrencies, partly due to US sanctions against countries like Iran, Venezuela and Russia. Even Malaysia is looking into issuing its own cryptocurrency. This is an amazing fact that more and more countries are accepting the fact that cryptocurrencies are here to stay.
When matter comes to a product’s trading ecosystem, CCECOIN falls into the category of a stable token asset. It has an intrinsic value, a long-term business driver to increase our value and most of all a token with an ecosystem to support the use of our token. CCECOIN is working to be here for the long haul. Its business plans are expected to grow as world enters into the years of blockchain dominion. Their products are expected to grow as economies such as India and China continue to grow its middle class.
In Malaysia, China and India, there is a great love for durians. For years to come, corresponding markets will grow with these group of middle-class consumers from China, India and Indonesia. These growths have not included the other smaller nations within other Asian regions.
The ultimate goal of the CCE ecosystem is to create a durian membership that can be sold in China for them to enjoy durian from various part of Asia in stores across China. The team is looking towards creating specialty retail stores where by our membership can buy all kinds of durian products and fruit from South East Asia. The farmers and manufacturers will be able to utilize the CCE Ecosystem to reach new customers. CCE tokens will be used as a medium of exchange. Relative memberships will be able to use the CCECOIN to transact, transfer, purchase across South East Asia, India and China.