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Study shows foods with vitamin A may help protect you against sun damage, skin cancer

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2019-08-16  Origin: Local12.com
Core Tip: A new study says you may be able to fight certain types of skin cancer from the inside out.
A new study says you may be able to fight certain types of skin cancer from the inside out. Don't skip the sunscreen just yet, but a new study in the American Medical Association's online edition of Dermatology says you might want to up a vitamin in your diet to fight cancer. It appears to put a natural sunscreen under your skin.

Vitamin A found in carrots, sweet potatoes and cantaloupes, as well as many other fruits and vegetables, may work against sun damage.

Researchers looked at 125,000 Americans and found those with the highest intake of vitamin A lowered the risk for at least one kind of skin cancer by 15 percent.

People with higher levels of vitamin A also tended to have a few other good habits that may help fight cancer. That included exercise, consuming less alcohol and caffeine. They followed people for more than 25 years to find this out.

Supplements didn't appear to work, according to this study, but foods did.

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