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Acerola with minimum of 32% vitamin C arrives in Japan

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2020-08-17  Origin: menafn.com/  Views: 20
Core Tip: Acerola, the little red cherry from South America, is already known in Japan as a source of natural vitamin C.
Acerola, the little red cherry from South America, is already known in Japan as a source of natural vitamin C. Now, CAIF, a supplier of acerola extracts for the United States market, brings this more potent version of its acerola extract with minimum 32% native content of vitamin C to the Japanese health food and food ingredient markets.

By using innovative concentration and drying techniques, the acerola vitamin is redispersed in the fruit's own biomass, thus avoiding the use of maltodextrin or starch as carrier powder in the manufacturing process.

'There is no richer and cleaner alternative source of vitamin C on the market than our new acerola powder extract,' said Cesar Fernandes, CEO of CAIF.

Vitamin C is essential to our metabolic processes, and our bodies do not produce it, so it must be absorbed from foods. As an antioxidant, vitamin C prevents free radicals from damaging our cells and causing inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases, digestive disorders, and other adverse health effects. Plus, it is also essential for the proper function of our immune system as it favors the production of cells which fight infections in our bloodstreams.

Acerola is not only used as source of vitamin C in health foods. It can also be used as a clean-label antioxidant additive in other food preparations. In juices and prepared meats — like hamburgers or sausages— acerola will supply vitamin C and prevent oxidation, preserving color and flavor. Acerola is also highly used in bakery as a natural flour improver, providing several benefits such as greater volume and softness as well as increasing mold-free shelf life.

CAIF is partnering with health food distributors to extend proper coverage in the Japanese market.

keywords: Acerola
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