Tropical Storm Maring left the Philippines with an estimated P692 million (€11.8 mln) worth of damage to agriculture, livestock, and fisheries in Northern Luzon. The damage and losses amounted to a volume of production loss currently at 36,537 tons, affecting 32,392 farmers and fishers and 36,537 hectares of agricultural land.
These losses, however, are still subject to validation according to the Department of Agriculture. High-value crops particularly, vegetables, bananas, and strawberries suffered a total of 6,091 volume loss worth P56.1 million (€954,000).
Affected farmers can apply for aid via a Quick Response Fund (QRF), reserving to P172 million for the rehabilitation of affected areas. Currently, fairer weather is expected throughout the country on Thursday, with the center of Maring last recorded to be located 1,155 kilometers west of extreme Northern Luzon, outside of the Philippine Area of Responsibility.