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Ready to supply ginger to the US market after years of success in Canada

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2022-01-19  Origin: freshplaza  Views: 2
Core Tip: For more than 10 years, FAVE Produce has been supplying ginger and garlic to the Canadian market.
For more than 10 years, FAVE Produce has been supplying ginger and garlic to the Canadian market. “We are Loblaws’ main supplier for these two commodities,” says Laurie Siderio, US sales manager with the company. After building a strong Canadian presence, FAVE - a brand owned by Goodwave Technology - is ready to expand in the US. With headquarters in New Jersey in combination with a Los Angeles-based warehouse, the company is ideally located to supply both US coasts. “We are open to doing business on a national level,” commented Siderio.

Packaging technology extends shelf-life
Ginger is one of FAVE’s main commodities and an item the company specializes in. The majority of product is sourced in China with a small balance coming from South Africa during China’s off-season. “We differentiate by offering superior quality produce with bigger hands.” In addition, FAVE has been working hard to perfect their shipping technique and “made improvements to our crates that allow optimum air flow and extends shelf-life of the product by several weeks, and really setting our product apart,” Siderio shared.

Retailers have a choice between buying ginger in bulk or packaged. “From a cost perspective, it is more efficient to ship bulk. In addition, bulk product gives customers an opportunity to select their product of choice and therefore better serves the needs of more customers,” Siderio said. However, FAVE also supplies packaged ginger. They offer packaging that is plant-based and compostable, making it a sustainable and socially responsible option for customers who prefer to offer packaged ginger.

Winter sees peak in demand
Demand for ginger has been steady overall but tends to see a peak this time of year. “Between December and the beginning of March, demand usually picks up.” During the winter months, people are home more, using ginger in preparing their meals. In addition, people often start the New Year with resolutions and the health benefits of ginger drive consumption. The celebration of Chinese New Year on February 1 also adds to the commodity’s popularity in January.

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