Fish farming company Grieg Seafood took a hit in 4Q 2012 in the form of a combined NOK 88 million write down, in part due to fish stocks being ravaged by diseases.
Barry Callebaut claims that it significantly outpaced the global chocolate market with an overall sales volume growth of 8.3%, with all regions contributing.
Double-digit percentage point gains in sales volume in the Americas and Asia-Pacific helped Barry Callebaut to an overall sales volume gain of 8% in the first quarter ended Nov. 30, 2012
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc., a leader in specialty coffee and coffee makers, announced the engagement of strategic consultancy SustainAbility.
Wine exports in South Africa had touched 417 million liters in 2012, a 17% increase compared to the 2011 figures, according to Wines of South Africa (WOSA).
Strong Asian sales and an improved performance in UK helped retail major Tesco post a 3.8% growth in like-for-like sales for the five-week holiday season ended 5 January 2013.