Carrots are not the Fountain of Youth, but scientists assure that their antioxidant properties can help delaying ageing, giving the skin a youthful appearance. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals.
Their high folic acid content (prevents anaemia and cardiovascular disease), falcarinol (reduces the chances of getting cancer), Beta-carotene (reduces the chances of developing lung or oral cancer) and vitamins make it one of the healthiest vegetables.
Their high Beta-carotene content also helps improve your vision and prevent blindness.
This wonderful vegetable is rich in vitamin B3; essential for the good functioning of the digestive and nervous systems. It also contains significant amounts of fibre, which helps accelerating intestinal transit and reduces constipation and bloating. It is very useful to eliminate colic and reduce gases. It helps expel gallstones and it is excellent to eliminate harmful toxins.
Due to the aromatic substances carrots contain, they are really good to stimulate your appetite and are frequently used by those suffering anaemia or depression.
This exceptional vegetable is diuretic, emmenagogue (facilitates menstruation) and helps in the destruction of kidney stones.