Product identification
BENECOL® Peach & Apricot Yogurt Drink
'Use by' date 09.06.13 / Lot number L9.06.13
'Use by' date 13.06.13 / Lot number L13.06.13
'Use by' date 14.06.13 / Lot number L14.06.13
The use by date/lot number can be found on top of the outer cardboard wrapping and on each bottle lid.
Action taken by the company
Johnson & Johnson Ltd is voluntarily recalling the above product. They have contacted all their customers to remove the product from sale. A product recall notice will be uploaded on the BENECOL® website. This notice will alert customers to the voluntary recall and advise them of what actions to take if they have purchased the product.
Advice to consumers
Consumers who have purchased a pack of this particular flavoured yogurt drink with a lot number shown above should not consume it. Instead, contact the BENECOL® Customer Careline number for a full reimbursement (Tel: 0800-0184010 Monday – Fridays, 9am – 5pm or email