New research has shown that mild preservation techniques like PurePulse and Pascalisation can elevate the salt experience of treated products. As a result it is possible to achieve a reduction in salt without compromising on the taste experience.
Reducing the salt level often has a negative impact on the taste of food products. This is one of the reasons why food producers have been hesitant to take action. In the absence of an intrinsic motivation, the Dutch government is taking measures and is starting to set standards for salt reduction for each product group. As a result food producers are now forced to actively look for solutions.
The traditional way of reducing the salt level in processed foods is often realised by replacing salt (sodium chloride) with flavour enhancers like yeast extracts or potassium chloride. The replacement of salt is however not the only and maybe also not the best way to reduce the intake of salt. It has been shown that people can be very sensitive to high levels of potassium content. Also the long-term effects of a high intake of yeast extracts are not known yet.
TOP b.v situated in Wageningen, The Netherlands, has conducted research into the salt perception of processed food after treatment with 2 mild preservation techniques: PurePule and Pascalisation. Results show that an enhanced salt taste is experienced after treatment. Dennis Favier from TOP b.v.: “We continue to conduct research but the hypothesis is that during treatment the cells are opened, allowing the intracellular taste components to release in the product. We have already shown this with different products”. For food producers this could create the opportunity to reduce the salt level without adding additives and without compromising on the taste experience.
The application is broad, from ready to eat meals to soups and sauces. Especially product groups where the reduction of salt can have a negative impact on taste. As salt is often added for preservation purposes, the advantages of the above mild preservation techniques make it especially interesting for food producers.