Over the coming years there are a few key trends that Zenith International predicts will be central to the development of new or emerging beverages segments of the market.
l. Closer to nature
A move away from artificial ingredients towards more natural products and, in some cases, to less processed products that are closer to those found in nature.
2. Demand for lower calorie
An increase in demand for lower calorie products using natural sweet-eners such as stevia which do not carry the negative connotations of artificial sweeteners.
3. Health and Wellbeing
An increase in products claiming functional benefits for health and wellbeing, which will add value and increase competitiveness in a tough economic climate.
4. RTD tea and coffee
Growth and increased innovation within the RTD tea and coffee sectors to cater to diversifying consumer needs and wants.
5. Adult non-alcoholic drinks
An increase in non-alcoholic products, catering for the adult market for consumption both at home and out.
6. Protein and energy drinks
And, finally, opportunities for innovation within both the protein and energy drinks sectors to ensure appeal to a wider audience.