Wholesaler Vanhuyse from Roeselare is part of group A.de Witte and is known for its bananas. Vanhuyse has its own banana ripening plant, where each week about 9,500 boxes of 18 kg are ripened. The company serves a mixed circle of clients. We supply other wholesalers, market vendors, retailers and also in part to supermarkets and hotels and restaurants." Jan Verhuyse expects the prices of bananas to increase shortly. "Normally they would increase by 50 cents to 1.00 Euro this week. The best months for bananas are January, February and March. If it does not happen then, then it will not happen at all."
New markets
According to Jan banana sales have been rather stable for a number of years. "In general our clients buy the same numbers, therefore we will again this year approach new markets." Vanhuyse only supplies Bonita through group Dewitte, which is also being supplied by various wholesalers in Belgium. "Our three most important brands are Chiquita, Bonita and Fyffes. In the course of the year, few brands were added to the banana market. I do not expect any exiting changes in connection with novelties or brands. One really needs something spectacular in the banana trade before the market will accept it."
In addition to bananas VanHuyse have a large assortment of other fruit and vegetables. "Part of this goes via the group and part we import ourselves. New in our assortment are the French brand of kiwi's, Cancel Fruits. These are top quality kiwi's available at a good price. In addition to kiwi's many other products, such as French cauliflower and airfreight melons from the Dominican Republic are also topical. We also offer citrus of various brands. Therefore sufficient choice!"