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US(FL): Coconut water trend helps with demand for coconuts

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2016-03-02  Views: 11
Core Tip: Though the market for coconuts largely remains unchanged throughout the year, long-term demand for coconuts seems to be rising due to increased consumption of coconut water.
Though the market for coconuts largely remains unchanged throughout the year, long-term demand for coconuts seems to be rising due to increased consumption of coconut water. While traditionally consumed by Hispanic and Asian groups in the United States, the item is catching on with a larger part of the American population.

“Retailers now have several types of coconut drinks that fit in with the healthy-eating revolution,” said Maria Gutierrez of Terra Fresh Foods in Miami, Florida. Terra Fresh sources dry coconuts from the Dominican Republic and green coconuts from groves in Florida, and Gutierrez pointed to recent trends as boosting the profile of their products.

“Consumers are trying to eat healthier, and they like to drink coconut water,” said Gutierrez. “It's not just demand for coconut water from a can or a box that's increasing, it's also increasing for the coconuts themselves because people like the natural feeling of juice straight from the fruit.”

Demand for coconuts doesn't fluctuate much throughout the year. Aside from a holiday bump in sales during November and December, demand and sales are usually pretty steady. Gutierrez said she's currently seeing the f.o.b. price for a box of 10-count green coconuts around $11.00 in Miami, and the price for a box of 24-count dry coconuts around $28.00. For “Easy Open” coconuts, which are dry coconuts that are trimmed and scored for easy access to the innards, prices are around $24.00 per 24-count box.
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