From 16 to 22 April, Commissioner Phil Hogan will travel to China and Japan accompanied by a delegation of EU entrepreneurs. The goals of the mission include giving support to the ongoing negotiations for the lifting of barriers that limit access to these markets and strengthening trade relations. Mr José Gandía, president of SAT ROYAL and also chairman of FEPEX Marketing, an EUCOFEL member, is part of the delegation.
The opening of the Chinese market is of strategic importance for the Spanish sector, which is looking forward to the immediate signing of the phytosanitary protocols that will allow the export of Spanish peaches, nectarines, plums and Paraguayo peaches. With these protocols in place, Spain will basically become the first country to be allowed to ship peaches, nectarines and Paraguayo peaches to China. For plums, imports are currently limited to those from Chile and the United States.
FEPEX believes that the support from the Commission to allow the opening of new markets is essential, given the increasing saturation of the EU market, which offers virtually unrestricted access to the productions of many countries.