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Murcia is Spain's biggest watermelon producer

Zoom in font  Zoom out font Published: 2017-06-26
Core Tip: The Spanish Region of Murcia is the national leader in watermelon production, with 210,039 tonnes in 2016.
The Spanish Region of Murcia is the national leader in watermelon production, with 210,039 tonnes in 2016, of which 77 percent (161,546 tonnes) was exported, with sales abroad worth almost 68 million Euro; 23 percent more than in the previous year.

The Councillor of Agriculture, Francisco Jódar, made this information public in Lorca, where he visited a watermelon farm to present a promotional campaign for this fruit under the slogan "If you are thirsty... eat me", organised by the federation of agricultural cooperatives Fecoam and the city of Lorca.

The campaign will be carried out from July to September in a total of 51 districts of Lorca, Caravaca de la Cruz, Mula, Cehegín, Aledo, Totana, Mazarrón, Aguilas and Puerto Lumbreras and in three municipalities in the province of Almeria (Pulpí, Vélez-Blanco and Vélez-Rubio).

The campaign emphasises that watermelons are very rich in nutrients and 100% percent healthy, as reported by the president of Fecoam, Santiago Martínez.

Jódar stated that of the 2,572 hectares devoted to watermelons in the Region, 77 percent is located in the comarca of Guadalentín and 47 percent of that production is in Lorca (1,200 hectares). Another 14 percent is in Águilas, 8 percent in Mazarrón and the rest is distributed between Totana, Alhama de Murcia and Puerto Lumbreras.

The countries of the European Union are the main destinations for this product. In particular, 82% of exports went to Germany (58,850 tonnes), the United Kingdom (33,524 tonnes), the Netherlands (20,070 tonnes) and France (19,679 tonnes).

Martínez pointed out that Murcia produces watermelons in all varieties, both with seeds and seedless, growing them under sustainable cultivation methods, with an efficient use of water and nutrients for outdoor cultivation.
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