There's a lot of different prices for the Gala apples this year, and the drop in prices is severe. There's a wide price gap from 0.01-0.03 EUR to 0.36-0.38 EUR. In terms of their performance on the market, the majority have a low price, revolving between 0.01 EUR and 0.08 EUR. The cheap fruits harm the agricultural industry. They have caused our farmer friends' income to suffer a sudden decline and incur huge losses. Fruit farmers are holding back tears and are in sorrow.
So, why is the price for gala apples so low? Generally speaking, we can identify two points. First, red Fuji apples from stock have not all been sold or have been left in the storage facilities. Second, due to the special weather conditions this year, the quality of the gala apples is overall slightly worse: small sizes, faded colors, bad taste, ugly peel and generally low quality. This is a big reason the price has shown a downward trend.
For customers, it is difficult to find a sufficient amount of satisfying apples. It takes time and it takes work and the purchase costs increase day by day, while the retail price naturally does not go up.