Use By dates: 05/11/2018; 06/11/2018 (1 litre only); 08/11/2018; 09/11/2018 (1 litre only); 12/11/2018; 13/11/2018 (1 litre only); 15/11/2018
The product has been available for purchase from Monday 22 October 2018 in grocery stores and convenience outlets. Only products sold in the ACT and neighbouring NSW towns.
Problem: The recall is due to a faulty seal on some of the black caps. The broken parts of those faulty caps may be found in the milk and may have the potential to be a choking hazard, if ingested.
Food Safety Hazard: The broken parts of those faulty caps may be found in the milk and may have the potential to be a choking hazard, if ingested. Any consumers concerned about their health should seek medical advice as required.
Country of origin: Australia
What to do: Consumers should not consume the product and should dispose of it and contact the Canberra Milk Consumer Enquiry to get a full refund of the purchase price.