In January-March 2019, Azerbaijan exported 21,371 tons of tomatoes in the amount of $ 25.5 million. Compared to the same period in 2018, exports in quantitative terms increased by 7.7%, in value terms - by 6.1%.
The main importer of Azerbaijani tomatoes is Russia. In the first quarter of 2019, 21,303 tons of products were sent to the Russian market, which amounted to 99.7% of total exports, worth $ 25.4 million. Compared with January-March 2018, exports of tomatoes to Russia increased by 7.8% in quantitative terms and 6.3% in terms of value.
It is specified that for the whole 2018 Azerbaijan exported 172 thousand tons of tomatoes for the sum of $ 177.4 million. The main importer of Azerbaijani tomatoes in 2018 was also Russia, which imported 170 thousand tons of tomatoes for the sum of $ 176.3 million
From January to March 2019, exports of Azerbaijani apples to the Russian Federation amounted to 27.5 thousand tons (+ 34.9%) in the amount of $ 11.3 million (+ 27.5%). The total exports of this type of fruit from Azerbaijan amounted to 29.3 thousand tons worth $ 12.2 million. Compared to the same period in 2018, exports of apples from Azerbaijan increased by 41.5%, and in money terms - by 35.7% .
For the entire period of 2018, Azerbaijan exported 90 thousand tons of apples for $ 38.4 million. Of these, 82.4 thousand tons of apples worth $ 34.5 million were exported to Russia.